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Returns a lot of information about a parcel.


The following table shows input values (you send them with the API call) and returned output values.

Variable Required Description
x optional the X coordinate of the point in parcel
y optional the Y coordinate of the point in parcel
getvalue optional limit return list to this entry (see return values below)
(to be received in http_response LSL event, see docs for details)
result OK - command completed successfully
FAIL - command failed
resulttext Detailed reason for the failure.
custom The value from input "custom" parameter. See above.
*** A lot of variables, see below


This API request returns a lot of information about a parcel. You can retrieve the information about:

  • a parcel at a specific point (using x and y coordinates) or
  • current bot's parcel (don't set x and y to fetch this info)

Return values

This request returns a lot of information about the parcel. The following entries are being returned:

Entry Description
parcel_area Parcel area, in m2
parcel_claimdate The date when parcel was created/claimed
parcel_description Description of the parcel. IMPORTANT: the description is being URL-escaped (it can contain new-line characters). Use llUnescapeURL() function to decode.
parcel_group The UUID of the parcel group.
parcel_groupowned Contains True if parcel is group owned.
parcel_groupprims Total number of primitives owned by the parcel group on this parcel
parcel_maxprims Maximum number of primitives this parcel supports
parcel_totalprims Total number of primitives on this parcel
parcel_musicurl The music URL of the parcel
parcel_cleantime Auto-return time (minutes)
parcel_owner Parcel owner UUID
parcel_ownerprims The number of prims owned by the parcel owner (resident or group)
parcel_saleprice The price of the parcel (if parcel is for sale)
parcel_snapshot Key of parcel snapshot
parcel_landingpoint The landing point of the parcel
parcel_flags Various flags, separated by commas

JSON response

Starting from Jan 2018 it is possible to get a JSON-formatted response from SmartBots API:

    "action": "parcel_info",
    "parcel_area": "10960",
    "parcel_claimdate": "8/13/2011 11:49:01 AM",
    "parcel_cleantime": "0",
    "parcel_description": "SmartBots official office!\n\nGive a direct group invitation (by group inviter bots), scheduled notices and group IMs! Subscription is L$79/week.\n\nautomatic group inviter bot invite bots inviter rent bot for rent auto group export notice spam",
    "parcel_flags": "AllowFly, AllowOtherScripts, AllowLandmark, ShowDirectory, AllowGroupScripts, CreateGroupObjects, AllowAPrimitiveEntry, AllowGroupObjectEntry, AllowVoiceChat, UseEstateVoiceChan",
    "parcel_group": "20d1b192-8d6d-374d-fa65-efe607894550",
    "parcel_groupowned": "False",
    "parcel_groupprims": "46",
    "parcel_landingpoint": "<201.613, 100.423, 32.2699>",
    "parcel_maxprims": "3344",
    "parcel_musicurl": "",
    "parcel_name": "SmartBots: Second Life bots for L$79 / Inviter bot + notices",
    "parcel_owner": "cd93067e-7c4e-41c0-ba91-be01f4bafe35",
    "parcel_ownerprims": "2351",
    "parcel_saleprice": "0",
    "parcel_snapshot": "b60a21e4-58ec-4538-d705-c9b9666b05d9",
    "parcel_totalprims": "2471",
    "result": "OK"

Limiting the number of return values

parcel_info API request returns a lot of data which may be critical for LSL scripts. To limit return entries to specific one, use a getvalue parameter (see examples).


1. Get all information about parcel the bot is on:


2. Get the group UUID of the current bot's parcel:


3. Get the number of owner's prims at point <25,32,0>:


<< return back to Bot commands

(Miss an API call or parameter? Submit your request in forum)