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SmartBots ToolBox 2013

SmartBots ToolBox 2013.png

The 3rd anniversary of SmartBots arrives in February 2013. We are celebrating this date by running a contest for developers!


To participate, developers create tools, devices or services and enter them into the contest. The tool, device or service has to utilize SmartBots functions:

  • The service may be developed completely for SmartBots or
  • The service does not require SmartBots to work, but uses SmartBots to provide specific functions (such as direct group invitation).

The device may already exist, or be developed specially for the Contest.


The following 3 nominations will be awarded:

  1. New Outstanding Idea - the most original idea
  2. Top-notch User Interface - the most handy user interface
  3. Business Booster - the most helpful idea for a SL business


  • L$30,000 for each nomination
  • A special "SmartBots Toolbox-2013 Winner" seal for website/in-world office
  • Special prizes from sponsors (to be announced later)

All participants also receive

  • Personal review in SL Business Observer
  • Free lifetime SmartBots subscriptions for development purposes
  • "SmartBots Toolbox-2013 Nominee" badge for website/office
  • Special offers from sponsors (to be announced later)

Contest Stages

  1. Developers registration (approval by the Contest Committee) - until Feb 1st
  2. Review in SL Business Observer and highlights by informational sponsors
  3. The voting:
    • Voting by People (everyone can vote)
    • Voting by Experts (SmartBots customers)
  4. The Award Ceremony (Feb 15th)

The voting will take place on the SmartBots website. The vote calculation mechanism will be announced later in January.

Contest Committee

The Contest Committee controls the process, approves the developers' applications and notifies the public about Contest events. The Committee consists of:

  • SmartBots Founder & CEO - Glaznah Gassner
  • SmartBots Senior Support Managers
  • Honorary Jury Members:
    • (to be announced later)


We accept applications from all developers regardless of their SL age, platform or programming language.

  • Each developer can submit any number of his/her devices for the Contest. See this page if you are a developer.
  • Each developer can get only one prize, even if two or more devices/tools/services from one developer get the most votes.


See this page if you are interested to become a sponsor of the Contest.

More info

Looking for more info? Contact Glaznah Gassner in-world. You can also post your questions here (forum support provided by Capital Exchange).