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Waypoints Navigation/Helper script

SmartBots Waypoints add-on allows to automate your bots. Easy objects require just their UUID to get touched.

To touch complex in-world objects (like elevator control buttons), you need to know:

  • the object's UUID
  • the face to touch
  • the point on that face
Waypoints touch command.png

The following script provides the necessary data for you:

// This script helps to determine the correct touch
// details for SmartBots Waypoints add-on.
// If you need your bot to touch a specific button
// on your in-world object:
// 1. Put script into that object (try putting in nearby the object's scripts)
// 2. Touch object yourself
// 3. Copy values appear to Waypoints editor
// This script can be safely removed after touch. It will
// also remove itself automatically in 30 minutes;
string VERSION = "1.0";
default {
    state_entry() {
        llSay(0, "SmartBots touch helper v" + VERSION + ". Touch the object now.");
    touch_start(integer total_number) {
        vector UV = llDetectedTouchUV(0);
        key uuid = llGetLinkKey(llDetectedLinkNumber(0));
        llSay(0, "Touched. Use the following values in Waypoints editor:\n" + 
            "object ID: " + (string)uuid + "\n" +
            "face: " + (string)llDetectedTouchFace(0) + "\n" +
            "U: " + (string)UV.x + ", " +
            "V: " + (string)UV.y
    timer() {
        // Remove script automatically