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Group Services |
The following shows you step-by-step instructions on how to list a group with smartbots.
To use most of the features provided by SmartBots, you must first list your Second Life group with SmartBots.
After adding a group you can send notices, view group chat and use other SmartBots services.
Click on the tabs "A" and "B" below to see details of how to add a group using each method:
The following steps apply to how to add a group using the system bot:
5. Click "Click to use system bot"
6. Enter your group name, select your bot and select the appropriate check boxes and then click "Add Group":Congratulations! You have successfully added a group using the system bot.
For the group to start functioning the following steps need to be completed:
Once these steps are completed the group has begun to work.
For the Group Inviter Service an additional step is required: You will need to rez an Interface device available here
The following steps apply to how to add a group using the personal bot (your bot should have already been created and should be a standard bot, it should also already be in the group):
5. Click "Click to use personal bot"
6. Select the bot you want to use from the list:9. Your group has been listed successfully! It will now ask you to select if the group is a spam group.
Your group subscription will expire when your personal bot expires. You can read how to change the active services on a group here.
For the Group Inviter Service an additional step is required: You will need to rez an Interface device available here
The abilities needed for the bot to perform optimally differ with each service, it is recommended that you place the bot in an officer role as it contains most of the abilities the bot will need assuming it hasnt been changed.
A list is provided below:
The abilities required may differ if additional services are used.