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Anomelli Mellow
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WebTalk Setup

SmartBots WebTalk is a technology which allows installing a live Second Life group chat on your website. Click here to read the WebTalk user's manual.

Installing WebTalk on your website

To install WebTalk snippet on your website, you have to:

The initial setup is being done on group chat settings page:

  1. Login to your SmartBots account
  2. Locate your group and click "chat settings" link
  3. Setup the WebTalk settings


The WebTalk settings include:

  • "Chat window width" - the width of the WebTalk window
  • "Chat window height" - the height of the WebTalk window
  • "CSS stylesheet URL" - fully-qualified URL to your CSS file. This file allows changing appearance of your WebTalk chat - refer to WebTalk CSS Appearance page.

Get a snippet HTML code

To get a snippet HTML code, enter the width and height of your chat window and click "Get HTML" button.

You can paste the code on your website, WebTalk chat will start working immediately.

Moderating your WebTalk conversations

If you face abusive or spamming resident using your WebTalk snippet, you can ban such person using Group Chat Control Service page. Your moderators are able to warn/ban abusers as well.


The banned (muted) person will not be able to send messages to WebTalk anymore. You (or your moderator) can un-mute that person at any time.