
Support Managers

Anomelli Mellow
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Trusted Managers


According to our Security Protocols, Trusted Manager's CANNOT BE ASSIGNED to more than one SmartBots account. This is not going to change in any foreseeable future.

Sometimes it might be necessary to allow someone to manage your groups and/or bot. This might be a colleague, employee or friend. Therefore the "Trusted Managers" section has been provided to grant management permissions to other residents.

Your "Trusted Manager" can have access to your groups and/or bots (read the instructions below to know more).

Manager abilities

You can assign any set of abilities to each of your manager:

Service Manager abilities
Group Inviter
  • Edit group inviter settings
  • view invitation statistics

You specify the groups available to each manager.

Group Chat
  • Access the group chat in web browser
  • Eject spammers out of group chat
  • Send group chat IMs
  • Setup scheduled chat IMs

You specify the groups available to each manager.

Group Notices
  • login and logout bot
  • teleport bot to different locations
  • move bot around on the parcel
  • command bot to sit on objects

You specify the groups available to each manager.

Personal bots
  • login and logout bot
  • teleport bot to different locations
  • move bot around on the parcel
  • command bot to sit on objects

You specify the bots each manager can control.

Bot add-ons * Access your add-ons (see Bot Store).

You specify which add-ons are available for manager

Adding and changing managers

Trusted Managers 1.png

Accessing manager account

Trusted Managers can access their accounts from main web-page with the login and password created and given by account owner. (Account owners can also change/modify managers passwords at anytime)

Managers Login.png

Accessing bot add-ons

Your managers are also able to control your bot add-ons (The add-ons of your bots) you can allow your managers to gain access over your add-ons by navigating to your Trusted Managers section in your account and upon creating or modifying the access of manager - Click on "Allow add-ons"

Currently, there are the following add-ons available for Trusted Managers to control:

  1. Alive Support Bot
  2. Bot Local Chat
  3. Simple IM Autoresponder
  4. Live IM Chat