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Aerielle Kiyori
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Bot Add-Ons

Bot Add-Ons are add-ons for your SmartBots bot. They add various features to your bot and make it interactive and powerful. See the add-ons list below for details.

Bot addons.png

Using Add-Ons

To use Add-Ons, you need to purchase an add-on and attach it to your bot: (illustrated instructions here).

  1. Open SmartBots Bot Store and locate the add-on you need.
  2. Purchase the add-on using Wallet.
  3. Attach Add-On to your bot.

You pay for the add-on only once. After purchasing the add-on, you are free to attach it to your bot, and detach when required.

You purchase one add-on per bot, so if you would like two bots to have the same add-on, you will have to purchase the add-on twice.

Easy 3 days refund is available if you did not like the add-on.

Existing Add-Ons

A wide variety of additional Add-Ons is available in BotStore: autoresponders, local chat managers, sim management tools.

Check the Alive Bots - these are the complicated Add-Ons which turn your bot to an alive avatar (a barkeeper, strip dancer etc). Check the corresponding page for more info.

Visit the BotStore to find more amazing Add-Ons for your bot!