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Group Tenancy (add-on)

This is a bot add-on:

1. Get this addon:
2. Configure in left menu:
3. Get more help:


Group Tenancy is an add-on for Personal Bots. It allows you to rent out the group membership for a specific time.


Major features:

  • Set the rent time and price (e.g. "L$99 for 7 days"
  • Set the retention period (e.g. "wait 1 day before ejection")
  • Works with closed membership groups
  • Automatically invite tenant to the required role
  • Automatically eject expired tenants
  • Set up greeting/notification IMs
  • View current tenants or the whole group members
  • View payments history

Web interface

GT Summary page.png

How does it work

  1. Add your group to add-on (see Configuration)
  2. Get and rez a Payment Terminal
  3. Resident pays your Terminal and gets a group invitation
    GT Group Invitation.png
  4. Once membership term expires, tenant gets ejected from the group

Notification IMs

Bot sends IMs to the tenant:

  • once the payment is made, the greeting IM is being sent
  • when membership is about to expire, bot sends a reminder IM
  • 'system notification IMs can be sent to you and your managers

See Group_Tenancy_Configuration for more info.

Payments history

All payments are being stored. You can view the payment history for all your groups.

GT Payments.png

Monitor active/expired members

If you process some payments manually, paid members can be added from web interface. Invitation can be re-sent if necessary, or be manually ejected.

GT Paid members.png

You can monitor the whole group members: paid, unpaid, about to expire, not joined yet.

GT All members.png

Payment Terminal

The Payment Terminal is available for free. It allows your members to pay & prolong their membership.

GT Payment terminal.png

How to purchase

See the Purchasing Add-Ons page for step-by-step add-on activation instructions.

Additional information

  1. This add-on can be used only with a Personal Bot.
  2. You can refund your add-on purchase within 3 days.