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Aerielle Kiyori
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Setting up bot greeter

Personal Bot service includes a free Greeter application you can use to greet visitors. Below you can read how to set this up!

Setting up & configuration

To start setting up, click Edit settings on your Greeter dashboard and enable the according checkmark. (Below is explained the setup process for each)

Check below how to setup each option:

  • Group Invite
  • Local Chat greeting
  • IM Greeting
  • Inventory Offer

Setting up group invitations

Invite to group option greeter.png

Limits define how many times an avatar should be invited:

  • Once: Visitor is invited only once
  • Twice: Visitor is invited on first and second visits only
  • Always: Visitor is invited on every visit

1 hour delay is in place for all the Limits in-order to prevent same avatars being invited on every visit.

Selecting the group & role


  • In-order to function properly, your bot requires Group invite permissions. Read more details on Setting up bot for invitations
  • If your bot must invite to Custom role (other than "Everyone"). Your bot requires following abilities: Assign to assigner's role, Assign to any role, Remove members from roles

Click the drop-down menu under To group and select which group bot should invite to. Under Invite to role - select the role.

You can also click add another group to invite in multiple groups.

Setting up Local Chat Greeter

Local Chat greeting.png

Limits define how many times an avatar should be greeted:

  • Once: Visitor is greeted only once
  • Twice: Visitor is greeted on first and second visits only
  • Always: Visitor is greeted on every visit

1 hour delay is in place for all the Limits in-order to prevent same avatars being greeted on every visit.

The drop-down menu allows you to select local chat message type: Say, shout, whisper.

Variables you can use & Examples

There are several variables you can insert into greeting text.

  • %FIRST_NAME% is converted into avatar's first name when executed. Example: Glaznah Gassner will be obstructed into "Glaznah"
  • %SL_NAME% is converted into avatar's full SL name (Including Resident).
  • %VISITOR_SLURL% is converted into visitor's location URL (Where visitor currently is located)
  • %BOT_SLURL& is converted into bot's location URL (Where bot is currently located)

Setting up IM Greeting

IM Greeter checkmark.png

Limits define how many times an avatar should be greeted:

  • Once: Visitor is greeted only once
  • Twice: Visitor is greeted on first and second visits only
  • Always: Visitor is greeted on every visit

1 hour delay is in place for all the Limits in-order to prevent same avatars being greeted on every visit.

The drop-down menu allows you to select local chat message type: Say, shout, whisper.

Variables you can use & Examples

There are several variables you can insert into greeting text.

  • %FIRST_NAME% is converted into avatar's first name when executed. Example: Glaznah Gassner will be obstructed into "Glaznah"
  • %SL_NAME% is converted into avatar's full SL name (Including Resident).
  • %VISITOR_SLURL% is converted into visitor's location URL (Where visitor currently is located)
  • %BOT_SLURL& is converted into bot's location URL (Where bot is currently located)

Setting up inventory offer

Inventory offer checkmark.png

Your bot additionally (or separately) can send an inventory offer.

Limits define how many times an avatar receive an inventory offer:

  • Once: Visitor is greeted only once
  • Twice: Visitor is greeted on first and second visits only
  • Always: Visitor is greeted on every visit

1 hour delay is in place for all the Limits in-order to prevent same avatars being greeted on every visit.

To select an inventory offer, click add item to offer - this will open the Inventory Browser where you can select an item of your choice. It's also possible to add multiple items by repeating the same process.

Assigning Copy + Transfer permissions

In-order to send an inventory offer: Object must be copy+trans, you can set next user permissions using the Personal Bot Inventory Browser

Alternatively, you can login to your bot using Viewer and set the next user permissions from avatar's inventory.

Ignoring avatars & Delay

Ignore avatars greeter.png

Additionally, you can set a delay (in seconds) before greeting is executed and ignore unwanted avatars. This will affect on every option provided by Bot Greeter