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Raised when Bot receives an inventory item


This event comes with the following event object:

Variable Required Description
event object properties:
str Object details in the format "name of sender;object uuid; object name"
id UUID of person that sent object


link_message( integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id ) {
    /////////////////// Bot listen inventory event
        // Split details with a semi colon ";"
        list details = llParseString2List(str, [";"], []);
    	llOwnerSay("Sender name: " + llList2String(details,0));
    	llOwnerSay("Object UUID: " + llList2String(details,1));
    	llOwnerSay("Object Name: " + llList2String(details,2));
    	llOwnerSay("Sender UUID: " + (string)id);