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Adds the event callback on localStorage. Also check localStorage.set().

localStorage.on(eventName, callback);


This command accepts the following parameters:

Variable Required Description

eventName yes the name of the event. Currently only supported event is "update"
callback yes the callback function to fire on event: function(entry, value, script) where
  • entry - is the name of the key set
  • value - the value
  • script - the name of the script which did the change


Use this function if you want to know when other scripts do localStorage.set().

Important: the "update" event does not react on localStorage.set() calls in current script.


To see how localStorage.on("update") works you'll need two scripts:

The "Listener" script:

localStorage.on("update", function(entry, value, script) {
	console.log("localStorage got updated:", entry, "=", value, "by script", script);


The "Initiator" script:

localStorage.set("data", "data from 1");
  1. Launch the "Listener" script (it will keep running)
  2. Launch the "Initiator" script (it will run and stop)
  3. Now switch to the "Listener" script and check the runtime logs