
From SmartBots Developers Docs
Bot PlaygroundCommands
Revision as of 10:30, 7 December 2023 by Gg (Talk | contribs)

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Walk to a position within the current region.

Bot.walkTo(x, y, z);


This command accepts the following parameters:

Variable Required Description

x yes The X coordinate of the destination point
y yes The Y coordinate of the destination point
z yes The Z coordinate of the destination point
Function returns a Promise with the following data:
success bool true if command completed successfully
error string error string if command has failed


Bot does not "navigate" to the point. Instead, it walks straight to the specified point, hitting all obstacles on the way. If bot gets stuck for 2 seconds (for example, hitting the wall), the autopiloting ends.

You can use fly command to start flying and reach the higher destination point.

These events deliver the autopilot status:


// Bots Playground script: [TEST] Autopilot events (build 1 by Glaznah Gassner)
Bot.on("autopilot_completed", (event) => {
	console.log(`Autopilot completed: ${JSON.stringify(event, null, 2)}`);

Bot.on("autopilot_stuck", (event) => {
	console.log(`Autopilot stuck: ${JSON.stringify(event, null, 2)}`);

console.log("Script is running, waiting for autopilot events");

// Start autopilot
Bot.walkTo(203, 37, 93);

// Gracefully end test script in 10 seconds
setTimeout(() => process.exit(), 10_000);

07/12/2023 13:28:39
Script is running, waiting for autopilot events

07/12/2023 13:28:42
Autopilot completed: {
  "name": "autopilot_completed",
  "bot_slname": "DakotahRaine Resident",
  "bot_uuid": "4f6b8999-14a0-4f50-882d-a764ee913daa",
  "endPoint": {
    "X": 203,
    "Y": 37,
    "Z": 93
  "actualPoint": {
    "X": 203.21898,
    "Y": 36.799942,
    "Z": 93