
From SmartBots Developers Docs
Bot PlaygroundEvents
Revision as of 17:45, 15 October 2022 by Gg (Talk | contribs)

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Fires when bot receives a inventory offer

Bot.on("inventory_offer", function(event) { ... });


This event comes with the following event object:

Variable Required Description
event object properties:
name The name of the event in this case inventory_offer
item_type The type of the inventory item eg: Notecard, Object, Landmark...
folder Inventory folder UUID this item goes to
sender_type The type of the sender AGENT or OBJECT
sender_name The name of the sender
sender_uuid The UUID of the sender
item_name The name of the offered item.
object_id inventory UUID of the item being offered
item_creator The UUID of the creator from the invetory item.
session Session UUID to accept the item.


Bot.on("inventory_offer", function(event) {
	console.log(event.sender_name + " send me an " + event.item_type + " with the name: \n" + event.item_name);

console.log("Bot is listening to inventory offers");