Working with bot money balance

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Bot PlaygroundExamples
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The following script allows sending AMOUNT_TO_SEND of money to RECIPIENT. Script does this by:

  1. calling name2key() function to get a RECIPIENT's uuid
  2. checking available balance using getBalance()
  3. sending money using giveMoney()
var RECIPIENT = "Glaznah Gassner";

var uuid = "";
var balance;

	// 1. First, request the UUID of the recipient

	// 2. Save UUID, then check our balance
	.then(function(result) {
		uuid = result.slkey;
		if(!result.success) { 
			throw "Can't resolve recipient UUID"; 
		} else {
			console.log("The recipient's UUID is " + uuid);
		return Bot.getBalance();

	// 3. Save balance (for a future check) and send money
	.then(function(result) {
		balance = result.balance;
		console.log("My balance is " + balance);
		if(balance < AMOUNT_TO_SEND) { throw "I have not enough money to deliver"; }
		return Bot.giveMoney(uuid, AMOUNT_TO_SEND, "Playground test");

	// 4. Check the operation result and check our balance again
	.then(function(result) {
		console.log("giveMoney successful: " + (result.success? "yes": "no"));
		return Bot.getBalance();

	// 5. Compare with expected balance
	.then(function(result) {
		console.log("New balance: " + result.balance + "\n" +
								"expected balance: " + (balance - AMOUNT_TO_SEND));

	// 6. We will fall here in case of any error
	.catch(function(error) {
		console.log("Script error: " + error);

	// 7. Exit - we don't need this script running forever
	.then(function() {