avatar_groups (HTTP Bot Command)

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HTTP APIBot Commands
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Returns a list of a resident's groups.


The following table shows input values (you send them with the API call) and returned output values.

Variable Required Description
This API command applies only for Standard bot
Input basic parameters:
action yes = avatar_groups
apikey yes Your personal developer's API key.
botname yes Your bot's SL login.
secret yes Bot access code of your bot.
dataType optional Set to "json" to get JSON reply instead of URL-encoded string
custom optional The custom data (string) to be passed back to caller script. This value will be returned back to the caller in HTTP response.
avatar yes Avatar UUID to fetch groups for
skipnames optional Skip group (do not return) if its name contains this substring (case insensitive)
matchnames optional Return only groups those which names contain this substring (case insensitive)
matchuuid optional Return groups with this UUID only
(to be received in http_response LSL event, see docs for details)
result OK - command completed successfully
FAIL - command failed
resulttext Detailed reason for the failure.
custom The value from input "custom" parameter. See above.
total The total number of groups (regardless of any filters, see below).
groups The list of resident's groups: UUIDs and names.

This list may be affected by skip* and match* parameters. See the "Return value" section below.

Usage comments

Working with large lists

LSL llHttpRequest() function has a limitation on reply size (it is being cut to 2048 bytes, or 1024 Unicode characters). If the resident has a lot of groups, they may not fit into the http reply.

There are several solutions for this problem. Use the following parameters:

  • skipnames - ignore groups which names contain this substring
  • matchnames - list only groups which names contain a specific substring
  • matchuuid - return specific group by UUID


Due to the high SL asset server load the bot's rate of this API command is limited to 5 requests per 30 seconds.

Return value

total - variable contains the total number of resident's groups. It is not affected by skip* or match* parameters.

groups - the list of groups (probably filtered by skip* and match*): a string which contains both object UUIDs and names separated by newline ("\n"):

UUID1 name of the group 1
UUID2 name of the group 2


Example request to get the resident's groups:


A response from the bot:

0b4a7c17-4e2b-bc96-34c1-4cb6e67a9fd2 SLBiz2Life - Advertisers Support
0b65a122-8f77-64fe-5b2a-225d4c490d9c SmartBots: group invitation bots
0e6ce87d-d86e-9225-9e0f-cea9fb24313e Capital Exchange Stock Market
0ec6f039-1a39-339c-3c68-e31ed2dc703f Earn2Life.com Discount Shops
24dcd8e6-3406-1518-b9ba-8653c1be09eb Earn2Life.com partnership
41ff4c6b-e3c0-a2b9-f53b-797e78532374 Earn2Life - earn L$500-1000 a day
4fbbee90-b278-e1b9-0ec9-251da2390c6c Earn2Life.com Investors (EARN)
5c63bbff-7064-0849-e8a7-25dff3d1765f Earn2Life.com Training Group
9e325390-c5e0-de09-3921-1501d34f9b38 Earn2Life Pay4Observe Support
c63983a8-f9b6-cb4b-6cdd-87da2f679a8e  SmartBots Investors (BOTS)
cee972ee-e1af-3da5-6846-36b89a041fa4 SmartBots Franchise

The same request, groups filtered by name (only those which contain "earn2life"):


Response from the bot:

0ec6f039-1a39-339c-3c68-e31ed2dc703f Earn2Life.com Discount Shops
24dcd8e6-3406-1518-b9ba-8653c1be09eb Earn2Life.com partnership
41ff4c6b-e3c0-a2b9-f53b-797e78532374 Earn2Life - earn L$500-1000 a day
4fbbee90-b278-e1b9-0ec9-251da2390c6c Earn2Life.com Investors (EARN)
5c63bbff-7064-0849-e8a7-25dff3d1765f Earn2Life.com Training Group
9e325390-c5e0-de09-3921-1501d34f9b38 Earn2Life Pay4Observe Support

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