
From SmartBots Developers Docs
HTTP APIBot Commands
Revision as of 09:22, 23 December 2016 by Gg (Talk | contribs)

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Returns avatar L$ balance.

string params = llDumpList2String([
  "action="  + "get_balance",
  "apikey="  + llEscapeURL(sbApiKey),
  "botname=" + llEscapeURL(sbBotName),
  "secret="  + llEscapeURL(sbBotAccessCode)
], "&");
httpReq = llHTTPRequest("", [HTTP_METHOD,"POST"], params);


The following table shows input values (you send them with the API call) and returned output values.

Variable Required Description
Input basic parameters:
action yes = get_balance
apikey yes Your personal developer's API key.
botname yes Your bot's SL login.
secret yes Bot access code of your bot.
dataType optional Set to "json" to get JSON reply instead of URL-encoded string
custom optional The custom data (string) to be passed back to caller script. This value will be returned back to the caller in HTTP response.
command takes no input parameters
(to be received in http_response LSL event, see docs for details)
result OK - command completed successfully
FAIL - command failed
resulttext Detailed reason for the failure.
custom The value from input "custom" parameter. See above.
balance The balance of the bot


This scripts requests the bot's avatar balance from LSL. It also demonstrates how to parse HTTP API replies using get_post_value function.

string sbApiKey = "...";
string sbBotName = "OneSmartBot Resident";
string sbBotAccessCode = "...";

key httpReq = NULL_KEY;

// Get posted data's value.
// This function is from
string get_post_value(string content, string returns) {
    list params = llParseString2List(content,["&"],[]);
    integer index = ~llGetListLength(params);

    list keys;
    list values;

    // Loop through the parameters.
    while (++index) {
        list parsedParams =  llParseString2List(llList2String(params, index), ["="], []);
        keys += llUnescapeURL(llList2String(parsedParams, 0));
        values += llUnescapeURL(llList2String(parsedParams, 1));
    //Return our parameter or "FAIL".
    integer found = llListFindList(keys, [returns]);
    if(~found) {
        return llList2String(values, found);
    } else {
        return "";

default {
    // When the owner touches the object.
    touch_start(integer total_number) {
        if(llDetectedKey(0) != llGetOwner()) {
            llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(0), "Only my owner can use me!");

        //Set up the parameters we'll send to SmartBots.
        string params = llDumpList2String([
            "action="  + "get_balance",
            "apikey="  + llEscapeURL(sbApiKey),
            "botname=" + llEscapeURL(sbBotName),
            "secret="  + llEscapeURL(sbBotAccessCode)
        ], "&");
        httpReq = llHTTPRequest("", [HTTP_METHOD,"POST"], params);

    //Get the SmartBots reply from the server.
    http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body) {
        if(request_id! = httpReq) { return; }
        // Parse the SmartBots reply.
        string action     = get_post_value(body, "action");
        string result     = get_post_value(body, "result");
        string resulttext = get_post_value(body, "resulttext");
        string balance    = get_post_value(body, "balance");
        if(result=="FAIL") {
            // If the command failed.
            llOwnerSay("Command '"+action+"' failed: "+resulttext);

        } else {
            // If the command was a success.
            llOwnerSay("Your bot's balance is L$" + balance);

<< return back to Bot commands

(Miss an API call or parameter? Submit your request in forum)