
message to group members unwanted

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  • #330

    I want to send on touch a group invite and a message for everyone who is not already in the group.
    Here is how I tested this:

    default {
        touch_start(integer total_number) {
            string params = llDumpList2String([
            "action=" + "invite",
            "apikey=" + llEscapeURL("1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12"),  //developers API key
            "secret=" + llEscapeURL("MySecureCode"), // Invite Bot's security code
            "group="  + llEscapeURL("my group"), // Group name 
            "slkey="  + sID, // Avi key to send the invite to
           //"force="   + "1", // Invite group members too
           "message=" + llEscapeURL("join me")], // Send a greeting IM

    When someone touches who is already in that group, they do not get a new invite, but still get the message, which seems like spam.
    I also tried with “force=0” same result.

    Thanks for your help.

    Glaznah Gassner

    Hello Garvin,

    We’ve checked the case you’ve sent, and confirm the problem.
    Working on a fix, will notify you asap!

    Glaznah Gassner

    Garvin, please run your code again. The necessary fixes have been done, and pass our tests now.


    Yep, looks more like I would have expected it!
    thanks for a quick fix.

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