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AdminBot raises events to inform your script about errors, chat IMs and other things happened. To catch it, use the LSL link_message event (see AdminBot Examples for usage patterns).

Parsing Events

LSL link_message event has the following syntax:

link_message( integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id )

For AdminBot, num will contain the event code (see below). str and id value depend on the event.

Events List

The following events can be raised by AdminBot gateway:

Event Description & Parameters

Status events

SB_COMMAND_FAILED Raised when command error occurs.

first line - command status code
second line - text explaination

SB_SETUP_SUCCESS Raised when group has been set successfully (group exists and not expired)

str: group name

id: group UUID

SB_SETUP_FAILED Raised when there was an error setting the group (group does not exist, expired etc)

first line - group status code
second life - group expiration date

SB_SETUP_BOTNAME Raised after successful AdminBot initialization. Delivers the bot name and UUID serving the choosen group.

str: SL bot name

id: SL bot UUID

Group status request events

SB_STATUS_REPLY Reply when you request the group status using SB_STATUS_QUERY

first line - group status code
second line - group expiration date

id: group UUID

Avatar status request events

SB_GROUP_CHECKED The reply of the SB_AVATAR_GROUP command.

str: 0 - avatar is not in the group
1 - avatar is in the group

id: avatar UUID

Group chat events

SB_CHAT_SUCCESS Raised when bot successfully connects to the group chat (see SB_CHAT_LISTEN)

id: Group UUID

SB_CHAT_MESSAGE Raised when bot receives the group chat message.

*Group chat saving must be enabled.

str: resident-name: message

id: Resident UUID

The numeric values are available here: Commands and events values.