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AdminBot v1.8: group notice with inventory attachments

SmartBots AdminBot library has been updated to version 1.8 and now supports group notices with attachments.

The notice delivery is being performed as before (by using SB_NOTICE_SEND command) but can be accompanied by intentory UUID parameter.

The inventory UUID is an unique identifier of inventory item of the bot. You can obtain this UUID by opening bot’s inventory page in your account, see this page for screenshots.

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The full history of AdminBot is available here, the most recent version is available at SL Marketplace.

P.S. We’ve also updated the logo of AdminBot – you can see it on this page and at SL Marketplace page.

AdminBot library updated to v1.7

SmartBots AdminBot library has been updated to version 1.7.

The new command has been added: SB_SETUP_SETOPTIONS. This command allows to set various options for AdminBot.

The first option implemented is  NO_OWNERCHANGE_RESET, it causes AdminBot to ignore the object’s owner change (the library resets itself on owner change by default). This option is useful if your device is pre-configured to use the same Second Life group for all owners.

We’ve also created the AdminBot Changelog page, click here for detailed info.