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Bot TotalControl LSL library in Beta!

We are pleased to announce the release of the beta version a highly demanded bot API called TotalControl which is designed to offer simplicity for LSL developers to interact with SmartBots personal bots.

TotalControl API works very much like our AdminBot API in terms of usage, but instead of being focused on group management, we focused this on having control of every aspect of your bot(s).

TotalControl is the LSL library to control your Second Life bot and use 100% of its abilities.

TotalControl allows you to:

  • Move your bot
  • Change its appearance
  • Listen to local chat and incoming IM’s
  • Send messages
  • Manage groups
  • Create note cards, edit send them
  • Manage bot’s inventory
  • Sim Management (if bot has sim rights)

How does it work:

  •  place your script and TotalControl library into the object
  •  your script sends commands using llMessageLinked
  •  your script receives events (local chat, IMs, money transactions) using link_message LSL event

Your bot can do literally everything the regular avatar can do in SL. This allows creating truly alive and useful bots.

TotalControl provides simplicity, and easy in terms of integrating with existing projects with only 1 line of code required to send a command to your bot.

This is a beta release so we appreciate any feedback, requests or issues.

Get more info

If you need any further help or have questions please contact us.

Updated AdminBot LSL Library V2.0!

AdminBot LSL libraryAn updated bridge for your LSL script and Second Life bots is here! AdminBot allows LSL scripts to perform functions that are available for bots. Your bot conducts two-way communication between your scripts and AdminBot.

We’ve upgraded AdminBot to utilize even more SL group possibilities!

The updated AdminBot v2.0 now includes:

An updated version of AdminBot LSL Library is available on SmartBots Marketplace

You can find more information about AdminBot on our Developers Portal


An update for bot developers (both LSL and Javascript)

Second Life bots programming in JavascriptSmartBots features for developers have been extended by adding new functions: HTTP API get_balance, Bot Playground getBalance and touchAttachment, along with examples. More info available in SmartBots Dev Portal blog.

We’ve also deployed new updates for Bot Playground (the javascript bot scripting sandbox), so scripts are now stable and successfully survive all bot restarts.

Finally, we’ve deployed new code examples. Check them here:

New Bot API functions to join and leave groups

New HTTP API commands have been added: group_join and group_leave.

These commands are more than just expansion of existing SmartBots functionality. These functions allow creating fully-functional automatic services based on SmartBots bots.

There are currently several fully-functional in-world services in SL, and joining/leaving the group was the most troublesome aspect for these service owners. Now the whole process can be automated for third-party services.

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