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Moderate your group chat using browser

SmartBots Blog April 2, 2010 by Glaznah Gassner

We glad to announce the really unique service: automatic group chat moderation!

It’s new possible with SmartBots: you can participate in group chat, moderate it and eject spammers using web interface, without SL Viewer launched!

Business owners who have large SL groups know a lot about group spamming problem. Popular groups are subject of spammers attacks.

Group chat moderation problems

Everyone knows how hard the large group moderation is: it requires the group owner or moderator to be logged in 24 hours a day. Our company does have several huge groups too, and we’ve developed an unique solution to help you to get a clean group chat!

If you order SmartBots service, you get the bot who logged to Second Life 24/7 and sees all chat messages. So, the 24/7 group chat history is now available in your SmartBots account! You can talk, warn and ban spammers using your web browser:

More features to go!

Currently group moderation is not automatic: is still requires owner to login from time to time and review the chat history. However, the following functions will be published soon:

  • Access for your staff
    Group owner will be able to setup separate accounts to access group chat using web browser.
  • Automatic moderation
    Owner will be able to specify rules to ban spammers immediately: based on keywords, URLs being sent and other indications of spam.

To check what happens in your group now, login to your SmartBots account and click on “Group chat” link.

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