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AdminBot and HTTP API can check residents’ groups now

AdminBot and HTTP API now can check residents' groupsSmartBots HTTP API and AdminBot LSL library have been expanded by two useful commands today.

HTTP API commands set have been extended by adding a new avatar_groups command. This command returns all visible groups of SL resident (both group UUIDs and names). The command is powered with filter parameters to fit to LSL http reply (2048 bytes).

AdminBot LSL library has got a new command and a new event. The new command SB_AVATAR_GROUP receives two parameters: the group name (or UUID) and avatar UUID. The library checks if avatar is a member of the group and returns a reply to your LSL script using a new SB_GROUP_CHECKED event.

You can find the commands’ details in SmartBots documentation by clicking on the links above. AdminBot LSL example is also available here.

P.S. We’ve completely refined the AdminBot Commands documentation page for your convenience! Now each AdminBot command has its own description page (with examples, too).

Support Bot module released: help your customers 24/7!

SupportBots module has been published!We are releasing a support solution for Second Life business owners, based on Alive SmartBots: Alive Support Bot.

Support Bot stands (or sits) in your office and automatically accepts Instant Messages from your customers and visitors. These messages are being forwarded to your human support managers (and probably to yourself). Each manager can grab the message and contact customer (so two managers never contact the same customer).

Bot’s owner is able to see all incoming messages, assigned managers, monitor their activity and response time.

Demo is available

We’ve prepared a demo movie to show how the SmartBots Support Bot works: click here!

Support Bots are available in Bot Store already. We have a special offer running till March 1st, with Support Bot module available at a special price!

New bot module: simple configurable autoresponder

Simple autoresponder for Second Life botsThe new bot module is available: Simple Autoresponder. This module adds the configurable autoresponder which reacts on IM messages.

The Autoresponder can be configured using rules: each rule determines the bot’s reply when specific text is being received. The example of the rule:

  1. If IM from a resident contains “Hello”
  2. then bot replies “Hi there! Welcome to our location!”
  3. and delivers “Our location in SL” landmark from the inventory

Yes, the inventory delivery is also available! You can choose items directly from the bot’s inventory using interactive inventory browser.

The module is already available for purchase in Bot Store for just L$199. The module documentation page is available here.

HTTP API and SBSL improvements

HTTP API and SBSL updatesWe’ve improved HTTP API of SmartBots and SBSL programmings language.

SmartBots HTTP API now supports custom http callbacks: bot does a direct HTTP call to your website script (written in PHP, ASP, Perl or anything else) to inform you about in-world events (chat messages, group invitations etc). See set_http_callback API command for more information.

Second improvement relates to SBSL and allows doing whole-word-only substring comparisons (for example, if you want to react on messages containing “ok”, but not “look”). See SBSL “if” command (“Whole word match only” section) for more details.

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