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SmartBots localization started

We’ve started the SmartBot localization today. The system will be available in several languages: website pages, accounts and in-world tools.

Currently we plan to translate SmartBots to Italian, German,  Russian and Polish. Further localization will follow and will provide the easy access for customers all over the world.

Another language? Or able to help?

If you want to see SmartBots in your language (not mentioned above), please IM Glaznah Gassner in-world. If you can help us translating the service, IM us as well – we appreciate any help!

Support in German is now available

Dear customers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, we proudly announce today that SmartBots Support Team now answers tickets in German language too. Feel free to send your inquires in German, your support manager will forward it and you get an answer in German.

Liebe User von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, wir moechten euch bekannt geben das ab sofort Tickets auch in Deutscher Sprache bearbeitet werden koennen. Wenn du Probleme oder Fragen hast schreibe einfach dein Ticket auf deutsch und ein Mitarbeiter wird dir in Deutsch antworten. Den Helpdesk findest du auf in deinem Account nach dem Login, unten links.