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SmartBots accounts becoming multi-lingual

As you may remember, we’ve promised to focus on  user-friendliness and usability in 2018. We believe that the most important requirements today are a) being mobile-friendly pages and b) being international.

Meet multi-lingual add-ons!

While the mobile adaptation process is in progress, we are glad to present you the first truly international sections of SmartBots: Local Chat and Bank Bot add-ons.

This is just the beginning of the internationalization process!

Can you help us?

We did a basic translation of Local Chat and Bank Bot addons to German, Spanish, French and Italian. However, the translations are really “basic”! If you are a native German/Spanish/Italian speaker, you would probably cry to fix a lot. If your language is not listed yet, you may also want to add it.

We can not do the expert translations, but you can help SmartBots by using an online translation web interface:

We really appreciate any help translating SmartBots! The most active helpers will get rewarded by discounts and free subscription periods!

To start, just click one of the links above. If you have any questions, contact our marvelous support team!

SmartBots localization started

We’ve started the SmartBot localization today. The system will be available in several languages: website pages, accounts and in-world tools.

Currently we plan to translate SmartBots to Italian, German,  Russian and Polish. Further localization will follow and will provide the easy access for customers all over the world.

Another language? Or able to help?

If you want to see SmartBots in your language (not mentioned above), please IM Glaznah Gassner in-world. If you can help us translating the service, IM us as well – we appreciate any help!