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The Wish List is back!

You may remember that we had a “Wish List” page in the past, listing the wishes and requests from you. This was a very useful list, allowing us to implement the most demanded features.

We are glad to introduce the new Wish List! More versatile and nice-looking, it is available on every account page. Powered by UserPowered!

The look

The new Wish List widget allows adding feedback, categorizing it, voting and commenting entries:

You can access the widget by clicking on blue “Wish List” button at the right of the screen. All old wishes have been imported into a new widget!

The feedback

We will be glad to get more feedback from you. If you have a wish, or request, or something to report, drop your voice into the new Wish List. Having a feedback is important for us, so we will raffle off the free bot subscriptions every month for feedback authors! The details will be announced later, but you can start posting right away.

A special secret

Thank you for reading down there! Let us reveal a secret: the UserPowered tool is just developed by us, the SmartBots team. If you have a website and like UserPowered – welcome to try it now! We promise to give a free life-time subscription to all SmartBots users, just drop us a word. Welcome to UserPowered!

No more limits: 42 groups for all personal bots

We have removed the groups limit for personal bots: now each bot can hold the maximum number of Second Life groups (42 at the moment).

This update affects all existing bots: the weekly price of all bots is L$479 per week now.

(Thanks to everyone who voted for the wishlist item asking to remove the groups limit – this helps us to determine the  most important updates to do)

Wishlist – share your desires!

If you have any wishes or ideas, feel free to publish them in a new “Wish List” section of the SmartBots account.

You can post your own wish, or vote for existing idea to publish it faster. This function allows you to get the desired Second Life bots functionality faster: just give us an idea, and we’ll do it for you as soon as possible.

When idea got completed and published, the creator and all customers voted for it get the IM notification: you’ll know when your thoughts get realized!