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Franchise Terminals have been updated

New Payment TerminalDear SmartBots Franchisees, the Terminal has been updated to version 3.3 today. Please pick up a new device in SmartBots office since previous versions won’t accept payments anymore.

You will get an automatic notification when your customers are trying to use your outdated Terminal. However, we advise to update your devices as soon as possible.

The new version (v3.3) provides more accurate partner’s payments delivery scheme, as well as some minor fixes.

New Updates of the Most Important Devices

SmartBots new HUD and payment TerminalThe Smartbots Terminal and Personal Bot HUD have been updated! See the changes below:

Terminal v2.14:

  1. Provides additional checks for payment transaction success.
  2. Fixed payment not returning if a service wasn’t selected prior to making a payment.

HUD v3.10:

  1. Can now control an unlimited amount of bots.
  2. Scripts re-written for optimized memory usage.

You can obtain the new updated HUD by visiting the SmartBots office and touching the devices container. The new Terminal can be obtained by touching the “Get Terminal” panel on any existing Terminal (for example, the one located here).

Franchise updates – more reliable payments

We’ve updated SmartBots Franchise program today to get rid of the most important issues.

The payment terminal and franchise scheme were updated to help franchisees receiving all commission. The problem was like following: customers creating accounts in franchise office, but then paying in main SmartBots office. Franchisees were loosing their commission this way…


Franchise owners asked to cover this situation, and we’ve did the following changes:

  1. The franchise commission is being stored in the database now. Earnings and can be received using your SmartBots account.
  2. Every new customer touching your payment terminal automatically get assigned to you.
  3. You receive your commission regardless of the terminal your customers use.

You won’t loose your commission anymore. The additional advantage is that you get the detailed payment statistics of your franchise at SmartBots website.

Get Involved!

To join SmartBots Franchise for free, get the free package at SL Marketplace.

Free package includes 5% commission and does not require any special setup (just rez boards and terminals). If you feel you deserve more commission, visit official Franchise page and contact SmartBots franchise manager.