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New payment option gives 5% bonus!

We added a new payment option: fund SmartBots Wallet directly from your L$ balance using SpeedLight viewer.

SpeedLight is a web and mobile viewer (iOS, Android apps available; or using any web browser). Developed by SmartBots team. Visit for more info!

You can fund yours or any other wallet (e.g. pay for your friend).

All payments from SpeedLight come with 5% bonus!
You just get 5% more on your Wallet.

How to fund Wallet from SpeedLight

  1. Login to SL using SpeedLight –
  2. Open “L$ and transactions” page
  3. Select Pay to SmartBots:


Try SpeedLight! It is cool, handy and developed by our team :)

Crypto payments available: Bitcoin, Etherium and more

Pay bitcoins for Second Life botsWe’ve added an ability to fund SmartBots Wallet with crypto currencies: Bitcoin, Etherium and others.

The process is simple:

  1. open “Fund wallet” account page,
  2. select “Crypto: BTC, ETH” tab and
  3. proceed to checkout.

The Wallet is being funded in 1-2 minutes after making the payment (we can afford to postpone the transaction confirmation).

We accept BTC, BCH, LTC, DASH, ETH and 15 more minor crypto currencies.

Single page to control all Wallet payments

Control your wallet at SmartBotsYou may now disable certain groups and/or bots from being automatically prolonged (for example if you want some groups to expire).

To check the list of your automatically prolonged orders, visit the Wallet settings page in your account (located at the Wallet panel at the left of the page).

Selective group prolongation from Wallet

Wallet: the safety of your SmartBots subscriptionsSmartBots Wallet automatically prolongs your group and bot subscription, even if you don’t log in for weeks.

Now you can select which group should not be prolonged automatically. By default all groups are subject for an automatic prolongation but you can change it: this is being done at “group settings”

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