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Alive Support Bot now has Discord and Telegram Integration

SmartBots Blog June 21, 2019 by Ariadknee

Support Bot add-on has been adapted to include integration with both Discord and Telegram, messenger applications that can be downloaded and used on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android devices.

SmartBots Support Bot allows receiving support requests from your customers in Second Life, forwarding them to you or your support managers. Read more about Support Bot here.

Once integration is set up, the bot starts sending support requests to Discord. Thus, when a customer sends a message, this can now be picked up by your staff or support managers in Discord channel.

How it works


  1. Customer sends your Support Bot a message in Second Life.
  2. Bot forwards copy of the message to your Discord channel or Telegram group.
  3. Your staff member replies to the forwarded message, picking up the customer.
  4. Customer receives notification that your Support Manager (his/her SL name) has accepted the request.


Integration with Discord


Integration with Telegram


Your Support Manager will now be able to communicate in-world with the customer, allowing a more efficient and prompt reply to your customers with your support staff also being aware of who is helping the customer.

More detailed information, including set up and integration can be found below.

For help please contact our 24/7 Support Team


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