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Sim restarts: better and easier now

SimGovernor module now shows sim restart logsWe’ve added a new section to the Sim Governor add-on module: Sim Restart History.

About Sim Governor

With Sim Governor you can setup automatic region restart (with the help of your bot indeed). Regions may get restarted once or periodically on a schedule.

Sim restart stats

New section displays how did your restart task finished: was is successful or something went wrong.

Even if you restart dozens of regions simultaneously, bot will reliably visit each sim and restart it.

Sim Governor region restart history window

If you are still reading this you may know that we love giving post-related discount coupons. Yes, we do! Here’s the new coupon: use TRUSTYOURGOVERNOR and get 15% to the Sim Governor module!

Sim Governor supports Trusted Managers

Sim Governor module now supports Trusted ManagersSim Governor module now can be controlled by Trusted Managers.

This means that you can provide region control rights to your bot, and then let your employees kick greefers, eject and ban abusers from the whole sim (or all your estates).

With a Sim Governor module, your managers do not get access to the dangerous settings like “Agent Limit” or “Object bonus”, or a terrain level editor.

You can get the Sim Governor module in our Store. Use the coupon code IAMGOVERNOR to get a 30% discount!

SimGovernor updated

Sim Governor module is released!SimGovernor module has been updated. This update is based on your feedback and wishes, and includes some bugfixes as well as new functions. Both bot software and module web interface have been updated, and the changes are already applied to your running bots.


Sim Governor Update

Sim_Governor_Return_Objects The Sim Governor Module has been updated! Now you can return objects owned by a specific resident using the Sim Governor Module. The following options are available:

  • Return all scripted objects belonging to the specified resident
  • Return all objects that belong to the resident that is in another resident’s parcel
  • Return all objects belonging to the specified resident

Note: You can return all scripted objects belonging to a resident that is in another residents parcel by combining 1 and 2.

To buy the Sim Governor Module please visit this page.

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